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Meet Randy Hudson, who recently took over as Executive Director of Portside at Grande Dunes and relocated to Myrtle Beach. If you see Randy out and about, please take the time to welcome him to the Grand Strand.
When did you take over as Executive Director of Portside at Grande Dunes?
I became the administrator on June 1st, but I have been in this industry for almost nine years. Until now I have always had a regional role, and have been involved with 44 communities in 11 states. I am glad to put the luggage away and start to establish some roots.
Tell us a little about yourself.
I have lived in the Atlanta area for my entire life – except for a three year period in Seattle, Washington. I have a 23-year-old son that just graduated from Auburn University and is currently serving in the Army at Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks Alaska. As true empty nesters, my wife of 24 years, Cat, and I (and yes, my son did the math long ago) have filled the void with three dogs that we love taking on walks at the beach.
What do you do for fun?
I am an avid sports fan and love spending time with family and friends (including the furry ones).
Is there something in your life that always makes you smile?
I am a big believer that happiness is a state of mind not a destination. The goal is to find joy in wherever you are.
How do you believe humor helps members of Portside?
I love the Victor Borge quote – “Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.” Humor is therapeutic. It is hard to be stressed out when you are laughing and having fun. It is only work when you are not having fun!
What do you love the most about working with seniors and helping them have the best possible life?
I have always bragged to my friends that I get hugs every day that I am in the community. As a full COVID disclaimer, they have turned into “air-hugs” and elbow bumps these days. It is an honor to work with a team that is as committed as I am to servant leadership and helping bring joy and comfort to those around us.
What is one thing we should know about you?
My wife and I bred one of our current dogs –and had to tube feed her from birth. That officially makes us pit bull breeders!
Portside at Grande Dunes offers Assisted Living, Independent Living and Memory Care all designed to keep members involved in activities to make them smile. To schedule a virtual tour of this state of the art facility, call 843-999-2494 or visit