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Housekeeping Help

By Tammy Darling

Once upon a time, my home was immaculate. Everything had a designated spot, and that is where it stayed. If I got something out, I put it away immediately when I was done with it—no piles of unfolded laundry, no dirty dishes filling the sink. Yes, I was a super housekeeper…once upon a time.

That “time” was B.C. (Before Children). Seven years into my marriage came child #1. Then 2, 3, 4, and 5. And with each subsequent child, housekeeping became less and less of a priority. It’s not that I didn’t want to have a nice, organized house—it was just, you know, life.

Life has a way of shifting our priorities. Housekeeping had been such a priority in the early years of my marriage that extended family members were greatly concerned about how I would handle the mess that children inevitably bring.

Fast-forward a couple of decades, and I now regret letting housekeeping, particularly decluttering, fall so far down my priority list. Don’t misunderstand; my house is not dirty or unkempt, and I wouldn’t be called a hoarder. And yet…

Let’s just say all those years add up to a lot of stuff when it’s not regularly weeded out like a garden must be to thrive. In preparation for downsizing, I was shocked at just how many unnecessary things I’ve kept over the years.

I tend to hold on to things that I don’t truly need. Seriously, I am not quite sure why I thought I had to bring home every shell I encountered at the beach each time I was near the Atlantic Ocean.

It doesn’t matter if you’re single or married with a dozen kids; the struggle is real. When life happens, it’s easy to let the little things slide—until they snowball and become big things that we can no longer ignore.

Just between you and me and the rest of the world, I’ve actually ignored the doorbell because of the clutter on my table and countertops—not to mention the half a dozen pairs of shoes blocking the doorway. There, I said it. Confession really is good for the soul.

The secret to goal-achieving success is to break your goal down into manageable steps, allowing momentum to propel you forward. If you want your entire living space to be uncluttered and spacious, choose a single room to start. Within that room, zone in on a single area—a closet, a dresser, or a desk. Take your time and thoroughly clean that area.

Having less results in less stress, fewer distractions, less to take care of, and less to clean in the first place. Less really is more.

The following are some tried and true housekeeping helps:

  • Consider the purpose of the rooms in your home, then work toward their intended purpose. For example, if the purpose of your living room is to hang out with friends and family, then it can’t double as your child’s play area. The same goes for the kitchen table; we all know its purpose, and yet we can often use it as a drop-off for everything from coats to the mail. Decide how you want to use your space and stay within those boundaries.
  • Do a 10-minute tidy. Once you’ve cleared the excess out, maintenance is not so overwhelming. But even before then, a 10-minute tidy can do wonders. Set a timer for 10 minutes each day and do a quick sweep of your living area. Hang a jacket, throw a load of laundry in the washer, dispose of the junk mail, quickly dust stands and dressers, and so on. It’s amazing how much you can get done in a concentrated 10-minute span.
  • Have the proper tools on hand. Microfiber cloths are a must. They clean better than sponges or paper towels and are machine washable and quick drying. Also, keep an all-purpose cleaner and glass cleaner on hand.
  • Clean as you go. The kitchen is one area that I’ve held on to this rule all through the years. Whenever I’m cooking, I put away each ingredient after I use it. If I spill something, I wipe it up immediately. When I’m done with a bowl or measuring cup, I rinse it right away, making it easy to load the dishwasher once the meal is underway. The “clean as you go” concept can be applied to almost any situation.
  • Watch the horizontals. Horizontal surfaces are magnets for clutter. Kitchen counters, dining room tables, bathroom counters, dressers, and desks can all accumulate far more than they were intended to. Keep as little as possible on these surfaces at all times. This tip alone makes a huge difference in your home’s appearance.
  • Pitch or give. On a regular basis, choose three things to throw away and three things to donate. This is a great way to start and maintain decluttering.
  • Stay on top of high-traffic areas. Ideally, the kitchen and bathroom should be cleaned three times per week. This sounds like a lot, but it will make the deeper cleanings much easier and less time-consuming. The key is to tackle a small chore before it becomes a big one.
  • Delegate. If there’s more than just you in the household, make sure you’re not the only one maintaining a clean and organized living space. Even children as young as two can help pick up toys. The older kids are, the more household responsibilities they should be in charge of. And if you can get your spouse on board, all the better. As the saying goes, “Many hands make light work.”

These are just some tips I utilize for clean and efficient housekeeping. The biggest rule of thumb is this: Don’t procrastinate. Procrastination is the enemy of tidiness.

Under the best circumstances, our living space would always be clean and tidy. But sometimes life happens. Even the process of decluttering can cause a bigger mess before actual progress is made, so keep the big picture in mind and take one step at a time toward that goal.

Our home space doesn’t have to look like a magazine spread; daily perfection is an illusion. The goal should be to simply care for and enjoy the space we have. These handy housekeeping tips can get us back on track, and before long, we’ll be once again living in a clean and organized home.

Haley Brandon

Haley Brandon

Articole: 53

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