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Cover Artist: Yvonne Coleman Burney

As a self-taught artist, Yvonne Coleman Burney discovered the child inside her, which is an element that has remained a key ingredient in the evolution of her art. Her work has always had a collage focus as she creates colorful…

person holding green leaf during daytime

Lady Luck & Fashion

On Facebook, my friend Laura posted a score she’d obtained playing WORDLE. “What’s WORDLE?” I asked under the post. She replied by posting the UK link. The first time I played, I guessed the five-letter word in three attempts. A…

woman in white sleeveless dress standing on stairs

White is fine… Anytime!

“No white until Easter” is a fashion rule Sasee women chose to stop following a long time ago. And not only do white jeans match everything, but they also add an elevated touch that blue denim often cannot. White jeans…

white house under maple trees

Home Reflections

Robin and I were new acquaintances with a lot in common. We were both about the same 60 something age and had moved from the northeast to South Carolina with our husbands. I was excited to be invited to tour…

Pretty in Pink

The classic jean jacket is positioned squarely at the top of our list of outerwear essentials for 2022. The light denim layer has been around for decades and continues to go beyond seasons and trends, regardless of your personal taste.…

person holding assorted clothes in wooden hanger

Dress Relief

There are two types of people in this world: those who think cleaning out closets is a chore, and those who consider this project one of life’s most satisfying events. I’m in the latter camp. I live in an older…

Scents, You Ask

Whenever I unpack something of my grandmother’s from storage, there wafts a soft, powdery fragrance that calls her to mind and I can see her as though she were standing next to me, black hair pulled back in a headband…


Pink. So, so much pink. When I was little, it was like I lived off the color. Drawing my energy and life force from the vibrantly colored dye. Oh, and dresses, and skirts. I fought with my mother anytime she…

Cover Artist: Heatherlee Chan

Heatherlee Chan’s paintings tell stories centered upon whimsy, romance, and nature. Painting images of book-loving girls and friendship are especially close to her heart. Entirely self-taught, Heatherlee’s watercolor art now decorates products across the marketplace including tabletop, kitchen textiles, stationery,…

Blossoms for Books

In 2021, The Friends of the Waccamaw Library (FOWL) hosted their first-ever Blossoms for Books Garden Tour. This fundraiser was created as a safe and Covid-friendly way to raise money that specifically benefits the Waccamaw Library, as many of FOWL’s…

From Crop Failure to a Harvest of Friendship

When we lived in a house with its own yard, I reigned. But when we downsized to a condo townhouse, I only ruled a patio and had access to the homeowners association’s modest garden plot that had lain fallow for…

The Campout

As friendships go, Alta, Cindi, Kim, and I made a good foursome. Alta and I were best friends and Cindi and Kim were best friends, all in seventh grade. We hung out at school, sat together at church, and went…

Learning to Say a Good Goodbye to Winter

Depending on which poll you heed, Spring could be America’s favorite season. After all, it’s easy to love Spring. Spring feels hopeful and inspiring. Songbirds begin to break the long silence of winter. Early crocuses push up through the snow…

Cover Artist: Kathy Womack

Kathy Womack’s inspiration for the Women and Wine series was not originally with the intent to capture girlfriends in fits of laughter, enjoying the said company. She explained, “As an artist, I am drawn to the dramatic or emotionally provocative…

The WWF Saved Me

I didn’t grow up with sisters or even close girlfriends. So, establishing close relationships with other women was not something that came naturally to me. But I was raised by an independent woman, my mom. Having her as a role…