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Sasee Gets Personal with Rebecca Powell: AIM | Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine

Q: When did you move to the Grand Strand?

I moved to the Grand Strand in 2018 when my husband and I were offered contracts with Legends in Concert. He portrayed Elvis and I was a dancer in the show.

Q: How long have you been working at AIM and what is your position?

I’ve been with AIM since we opened the doors in October of 2019. I was five months pregnant and my time on stage was coming to an end – sequins only stretch so far – so I applied for the receptionist position and have been here ever since. My job and responsibilities have only grown over the past couple of years. I am now the Clinical Director which means I am responsible for ensuring that the clinic runs smoothly, my staff is happy, and our patients are even happier!

Q: What makes you laugh the most?

I love laughing, mostly at myself because as my husband will tell you, I think I’m hilarious. Schitt’s Creek and Parks & Recreation are my all-time favorite TV shows. I’ll put random episodes on from time to time when life gets hard. I really enjoy a comedic memoir though. Anything by Jenny Lawson or Samantha Irby has me laughing out loud to myself like a real lunatic. I sometimes think I need to put pen to paper and write my own hilarious stories. Again, I like to think I’m pretty funny. Right now, though, my two-year-old makes me laugh the most.

Q: Have you ever pulled a funny prank?

In my days as a dancer, the pranks were endless. I once blacked out my front tooth during a performance with George Strait while he sang “All My Exes Live In Texas” and during a stint as an equestrian performer, I painted eyeballs on my eyelids and then attempted to do the entire show with my eyes closed. During my time at Legends in Concert in Branson, MO, I would hide in the wings and pull a toy rat across the stage using a fishing line. That is still one of my favorites. Just remembering all of the shenanigans has me in stitches!

Q: Do you have any pet mishap stories you care to share?

During my freshman year of high school, we had this Yorkshire Terrier – Beagle hybrid named Snickers. This was before muts were classified as designer breeds, but I suppose he would’ve been a Yorgle? Or a Beashire? Either way, we didn’t feed him people food but that didn’t stop him from trying to get his paws on human delicacies like ChexMix. I left an open bag on the coffee table once and moments later we’re doing this Tom & Jerry act racing around the living room until I eventually tripped and broke my toe. He ate the entire contents of the bag while I rolled around the floor in agony. Twenty-three years later, and my toe still clicks with every step I take – I won’t be leaving AIM to become a cat burglar anytime soon.

Q: Do you believe that laughing keeps you healthy?

Of course! My 10-year-old son likes to tell me I look 19 (which is a total lie) but people are always assuming I’m younger than I am. I’m going to credit this to laughter and having fun. As George Burns once said “you can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.”

AIM | Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine
843-273-4467 • AIMLiveLife.com

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