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Our Little Turkey

Each year, we bring her out and she takes her place on top of our kitchen counter. It’s the smallest turkey you’ll ever find, but it’s hugely important to our household. The little turkey is a craft our daughter made when she was a young child and annually, it reminds us of what Thanksgiving is all about. It has a simple design – a turkey’s body, head, and four wings made out of some colored felt material. Each wing contains a word that represents what my daughter was thankful for at the time.

The words she chose are: Family, Food, Clothing, and God. I know I’m her Dad, but I’m confident in saying “my daughter nailed it.” The words and the sentiment have stood the test of time all these years later and they seem to sum up Thanksgiving quite well. After all, Thanksgiving is about getting dressed up, enjoying food, and being with family. Most importantly, it’s about being grateful for all of God’s blessings (no matter who your God is).

That little turkey also serves as an important reminder! There are too many people who have very little clothing, that are frightfully under-nourished, and don’t have family and friends to celebrate the holidays with. These are people that should not be forgotten during Thanksgiving and the entire holiday season. If your family is amply blessed, then help bless another family too. Make a meal, provide food, or volunteer to help at local food banks (you’ll get back way more than you give). Go through your closet and donate usable clothing to stores like Goodwill or Salvation Army. The Red Cross also needs clothing for victims of wildfires and other natural disasters this year. Invite those who might be alone to share Thanksgiving or another holiday meal with you this year.

That little turkey on our kitchen counter is a unique reminder of the blessings our family has, but it serves as a reminder to think of others each holiday season. I guess my message is as simple as that little turkey…Remember to be thankful for all you are blessed with and to be giving to those that need some help.

One comment

  1. You centered it on a concrete object—the turkey made by your young daughter as a centerpiece. You gave its history and how its message resonates with you year after year. You applied the message to everyone telling what everyone should celebrate and remember during this uniquely American holiday each year. Enjoyable essay.

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