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Q: What makes Coastal Luxe special?
“Since opening in 2014, our mission has always been to make the customer’s project their personal dream come true as effortlessly as possible. Our team’s goal is to equip and empower you to make design decisions that function and flow with the style that you truly love – Design that will stand the test of time.
Coastal Luxe also supports many community organizations such as the Horry Georgetown Culinary School, the Coastal Carolina University Athletic Foundation, and the Humane Society. As big animal lovers, our store is also pet friendly.”
Q: Do you have any pets?
“I have rescued many dogs and cats in my years. This is actually the smallest number of animals that I have had in quite a while. I currently have 3 cats (Elvis, Marilyn, and Gypsie) and 2 dogs (Buffy and Cricket). Buffy is too prissy to play with toys as she has a little bit of a princess attitude, however, Cricket is the toy-chasing and chewing one. Her favorite toy is a small flat squirrel. I am partial to Pekingese dogs and am always looking for one that needs my attention and help.”
Q: Can you share a funny pet story?
“The funniest and oddest incident so far was last year when we had a stray cat start coming up to our door. Of course, we started feeding her outside, but once she learned where the doggy door was located, she began to come in on her own, even though we made her go back out immediately. Well, while we were on a short vacation, my daughter-in-law was taking care of feeding all my pets and noticed that the “new cat” was suddenly very skinny! She was frantic and looked everywhere, and low and behold, in the corner of our family room, she found seven newborn kittens. Like the good mother she is herself, she immediately went into momma mode. She got a big pet bed and all the necessary equipment needed for the new momma cat and her babies. So, the stray new cat had found herself a safe new home for her babies. We kept the kittens until they all could be adopted into good homes. We also had the momma cat spayed and she is now a part of our pet family.”
Q: Do you think our pets match our personalities?
“Yes, I think our pets will react to others the way they are treated. My vet and groomer always comment on how good my girls are. I attribute that to purely being loved and treated well. I also always talk to my pets, with all the sweet baby talk you can imagine.”
Q: Do you believe there are health benefits of pet companionship?
“Absolutely. I personally feel like my pets bring a sense of completion to my life. They know how to warm your heart and soul when no one else can. They are truly angels with four legs!”
Coastal Luxe Interiors
Myrtle Beach • 843.946.6644 • www.coastal-luxe.com