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Have you ever wondered how Sasee Magazine was born in the first place? It all started with Delores Blount and her career change from the broadcast industry to print. The company she was working for wanted to start publishing magazines and asked her if she would be interested in taking on a management role. Delores obliged, “I was ready for something new and challenging! The transition made sense because I already understood the marketing and advertising side of the business, but I was excited to utilize those skills with publishing rather than broadcasting.”
In 1986, Strand Media Group began publishing Strand Magazine. Strand Coupons and Strand Map Guide came along a few years later. On top of these three well-known pieces, two of which are still published today, Strand Media also created all sorts of publications for local businesses including the Chamber of Commerce, theater guides, rental guides, and real estate books. They also established Charleston Gateway Magazine and Charleston Map Guide which were sold last year.
The idea for a women’s magazine came along a decade later. This was around the same time that Delores’ sister, Susan Bryant, joined Strand Media Group once again as the director of marketing and sales. The pair always loved reading the women’s magazines they came across while visiting other places during their travels. The publications were inspiring, and they agreed that the Grand Strand needed a magazine that was for women and produced by women. Delores explained, “We knew this type of publication would do well in our market and it was definitely a fun change of pace to research and produce!”
After months of surveying potential readers, writers, and advertisers, they came up with a list of strong female names to choose from. They also learned that the best name to go with should not be a real word. Once they decided on the name “Sassy,” they just tweaked the spelling to make her unique. The marketing department played around with the fonts and illustrations and once they tried the hat above the “S” they knew it was the perfect aesthetic to fit Sasee’s personality.
Although many aspects of publishing have changed in the last two decades, Sasee is still the same woman she always has been, with quite a few fabulous upgrades. The mission of Sasee has forever been to entertain, inform, and inspire her readers as well as share dynamic experiences. She is meant to be an inviting platform to reach other women by showcasing sophisticated, well-written editorial focusing on personal interviews, lifestyle perspectives, fashion, home décor, food, art, and culture.
As the publisher of Sasee for twenty years, Delores is most proud of her enthusiastic staff and the wonderful partnerships that have been established with local businesses. She is also pleased with the fact that we have been able to survive during these crazy times as many businesses have not been as fortunate. Sasee is excited to celebrate officially turning twenty by thanking all of her devoted readers, writers, and advertisers as she would not be who she is without them as part of her community.