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Q: When did you join Custom Outdoor and what is your role?
I moved to the Grand Strand after graduating from college and started working for Custom Outdoor Furniture in August 2019. As the logistics manager, the work I do involves assembling furniture, pulling customers’ orders, receiving incoming shipments, making sure our showrooms are stocked, delivering furniture, helping our guys in the shop restrap and refurbish furniture, and occasionally repairing warrantied furniture.
Q: Do you enjoy revamping furniture?
I really enjoy revamping furniture for many reasons. I love taking an old beat-up piece of furniture and giving it new life. Seeing the transformation from before and after has to be my favorite thing about the whole process. Another reason is the reaction that we get from our customers when they bring us an old, well-loved piece of furniture that they have had for years, not expecting to get many more years out of it. Once we refurbish it to make it look better than when they first bought it, their facial expressions make all the hard work worth it.
Q: Have you done any redesigning in your home?
My wife, Hannah, and I recently built our house, so one could say that we had some design say in every aspect of the house. After moving in, we installed all the custom lighting and cabinet handles ourselves. We also did some colored grout work on our backsplash and bathroom floor. Other than that, we really haven’t done any redesign or revamping in our home just yet, since it is brand new.
Q: What is your favorite piece of furniture that you own?
My kitchen table is my favorite piece because it is the same table that my parents had when I was first born. When I was moving to the Grand Strand, the table was in my parents’ basement just collecting dust, so I insisted on bringing it with me. It is very special to me to think about the countless meals my friends and family have shared at that table. Even though my family is back in Ohio, every night when my wife and I eat dinner at that table it makes me feel like my family is right there with me.
Q: Have you ever done any furniture DIY projects?
My wife and I took apart and totally refinished our kitchen table that I mentioned earlier. By sanding everything down, repainting the legs and base of the table, and putting a fresh coat of stain on the top, we gave the table a whole new life.
Q: What is your favorite way to decorate for the fall season?
My favorite fall decorations would have to be pumpkins. Nothing says fall like putting pumpkins on the front porch and seeing the leaves on the trees begin to change color.
Q: Do you and your family have any fall traditions?
Every year around Halloween, my wife’s family has a big pumpkin carving party. Everyone brings a different kind of soup that they made, and we all sit outside and carve pumpkins and eat way too much soup. Since we moved to the Grand Strand, we join in via FaceTime and carve our own pumpkins here. My wife and I also love to host Thanksgiving Dinner, and this will be our second year doing so in our new home.
Custom Outdoor Furniture & Restrapping
2415 Hwy 17 S. • Garden City, SC 29576 • 843-651-9633 • customoutdoorfurniture.com